Friday 20 December 2019

Day 2 Activity 2 - School Strike For Clitmate!

School Strike For Clitmate!

1. Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing the world and it isn’t being addressed quickly enough.
2. They Strike By School
3.They are sacrafising all their eduacation to save their futures from climate wrecking projects like Adani Coal Mine

Day 2 Activity 1 - Taking Action!

Taking Action

Im Nelson Mandela and I'll Be telling you my horrible experimence in the prison. 
It was very tiny,damp,concrete cell and with only a straw mat to sleep on. It was very quite and horrible because nobodys was their to talk to you and you couldn't do anything and couldn't see your family for 18 years. Thats right me Nelson stuck in prison for 18 years just to prove that the law was wrong and wanted to make it right. The experimence felt like a maze stuck in a cage doing nothing and spending the nights their for days. But after 18 years endeed I became a president.

Day 1 Activity 3 - Dear Jacinda

Dear Jacinda 

Dear Jacinda Ardern This is a letter for you to see. Its about for kids their should be more schools and free swimming lessons. 
I think more Schools because you might move out and your still at a school and its far away so maybe schools close and they can just walk their without always being late. I think Free Swimming Lessons because people who don't know how to swim can learn without using money because they might not have enough for the swmming lesson and your child will not learn how to swim and when they go swimming they may either drown or cant go in because they cant swim.
To Jacinda!

Day 1 Activity 2 - Rights and Wrongs!

How Many Years Until Im 25?

How Many Years Until Im 25?
because Im 10 right now and then add a 10 and that will be 20 and then add a five which equals 25. 10 + 15 = 25!