Friday, 20 December 2019

Day 5 Activity 1 - National Treasure

3 Things That's Important To Me And Why?

Because they support me in everything and they are loving and helpful and caring and truthful.
Because they cheer me on they sometimes give me empathy and caring and truthful.
They are cute make me happy when I cry sleep with me caring and loving.
The End!

1 comment:

  1. Buenas Noches Amethyst,

    Thank you for completing Week 1 Day 5 Activity. I really like this activity because you get to write about things/people that are important to you or are “national treasures”. It is really awesome to see that you have your friends/family right at the top of your list. I would put them at the top of mine too! What are some of your favourite things to do with your friends and family?

    I also really like that you have included animals on your list. I love that animals whatever kind they can always be there for you and be like comforters like you have mentioned. Do you have any pets of your own? I really want to adopt a dog this year!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog posts over the summer,

